Missions Accomplished

Arquipélago do Bailique no Amapá

We carry out an action in the Bailique Archipelago region, Amapá, which lies on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.
A region that is facing great difficulties due to erosion that has destroyed and continues to destroy houses, schools, the entire electrical network and is also responsible for the livelihood of many families, as they live off fishing (a product that needs refrigeration).

13 thousand families depend on a better condition and cry out for help!!! The causes of all this devastation are diverse. Unfortunately, some people only seek the financial gain that the region can bring, and forget that there are families, human beings, who depend on the vegetation and on the entire functioning of the Archipelago's ecosystem, it's sad, and we want to bring some affection to these 13 thousand families!

We will take eye care to the population and much more, for that we need your contribution!!!
We accept donations in:
  • Money: to cover the basic expenses of the action (transport and food). The remaining amount will be used to purchase donations.
  • Basic Baskets: to feed these people who are already hungry!
  • Oral and intimate hygiene kits.
  • Kits of school supplies.
You can help by making a donation:
Fundasa PIX Key: 13.669.151/0001-89



Official Sponsor
Expedição Saúde Social Networks